Friday, June 17, 2011

MK = ?

I grew up in Montreal. I also grew up eating kosher. The main local certifier of kosher food in the city is by the Jewish Community Council of Montreal ("Va'ad hair") who  label products that meet their kashrut standards with an MK.

If you live in Canada, you may notice the MK symbol on the back of many food product labels (COR is also another popular Canadian kosher certification).

How is this in any way  relevant to a style blog, you ask? Well in the past years, I've increasingly noticed many young women wearing accessories adorned with this same symbol, especially shoes and handbags.

I'll bet you're thinking these are simply Michael Kors products, but I'm not so sure. We've seen orthodox Judaism fashion before, so maybe this is yet another instance??

Or maybe not.

P.s. My all time favourite--and smartly dressed kosher symbol-- is from Calgary:

-The Scandal


  1. Now what if a nice Jewish boy like Michael puts his hechsher on a pigskin purse? Oy vey!

  2. Now what if a nice Jewish boy like Michael puts his hechsher on a pigskin purse? Oy vey!
